Friday, January 9, 2009

Crocheting while sick

Hey Guys! I have not been feeling well lately and been getting only 4-5 hours of sleep a night for about several months now. It's starting to get to me now because I've been basically staying in the house on my off days to try to catch up on sleep. If I'm tired, I don't wanna sew and since I'm always tired, it feels like I'm never gonna finish this coat. Have you guys ever been in a sewing rut or started a garment and felt like it took FOREVER to finish?

Since I got my new computer, I've been catching up on my favorite bloggers and crafty websites and came across a cute crochet hat on Threadbanger. I use to crochet a looooong time ago when I was about 8 or 9 but I've completely forgot. So I figured now is good time to start learning again since I can create something out of my insomnia instead of watching infomercials and reruns all night. So I bought a learn-how-to-crochet book and got started! I decided on this regatta rolled brim hat that is basically a "sc" stitch all around. I had to do a chain of 78 stitches because my head is so big! LOL!! Initially, I thought "78 stitches can't be right" because I only knew one way to make a hat which was starting from the top. So, I took it upon myself to dismiss the beginning of the directions and start a chain of 10. Well 4 hours later, I realized that my hat was looking like ReRun's from Whats Happening! So I had to take it loose! I was so pissed at myself. Luckily, I only used a half a skein of yarn for this project. ***Paging all knitters*** If you guys could recommend some good crochet reference books, I would surely appreciate it. :-)

It was difficult for me to find the next chain because the yarn was so thick. I can't even tell where there are errors.

I would definitely make this hat again in a solid color. With some more practice, I think it can look just like the illustration.


Ambitious Sewer said...

The hat looks great!!! ...and don't feel bad about going through your rut...every once in a while people go through this... take me for dress project started over a month ago and I am still trying to find the strength to finish it.

Mom2fur said...

I've got things that have been hanging unfinished for so long, they may never get done! I guess it happens to all of us.
I hope you are feeling better by now!

Rachel said...

That is a cute hat. I had sleep problems from Aug - Dec. They seem to have subsided and now I can't seem to get enough. I went through a rut awhile back where everything I made was a disaster. Things will get better. I am amazed by people who can crochet. I have tried and it just doesn't sink in to my head.

Aminat said...

I love your hat,and your blog too. I will be checking your lovely creations from now on

Teka said...

Thank you ladies for your comments! I feel tons better now :-)

Aminat said...

I have nominated your blog for the Kreativ Blogger award, you truly deserve it, and girl you are multi-talented